Sunday, July 22, 2018

Crowdfunding is not for "donations" to "Foundations". Crowdfunding serves people's dreams, their needs, emergencies. It's an investment

I don't like the words "donate" and "Foundation". I prefer "invest" and "community", "center" or even "nucleus" :)

Every million-air, at a certain point in his life, feels the motivation to create a Foundation. O.K. What I don't understand is the part where he asks you to "donate" to his Foundation. Or worse, when he accepts government funding.

Crowdfunding is not for this purpose, I think. 
Crowdfunding serves people's dreams, their needs, emergencies. It's an investment, not a donation.

What's the big difference?

When you donate, there's no money tracking. You can't evaluate your contribution.

When you invest, you have a report of every cent spent, and you know what is the measure of your contribution. It implies transparency and fairness. You feel part that you are part of it. You are important to the project. You helped someone. You made a difference in someone's life. You made an investment in life itself. There's energy here, there's movement, there are real people.

And with luck, there are projects that are capable of you giving you more than what you invested, in money, energy, solidarity, friendship. You are part of a community.

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