Thursday, September 21, 2017

You can not be replicated, you can not be replaced.

Confirm humanity - I´m not a robot. Click.
Soon you'll be asked:
How can you prove you're not a robot? :)

But the most important question is:
What makes you human?

You are flesh and bones and thoughts and emotions and memories and expectations.
You live in the space-time dimension.

You know what is hunger and pain, comfort and joy. You feel.
First you experienced sensations, blurry images, light and darkness.
Then you began to distinguish faces, voices, objects.
Your life is an adventure with all the perils and all the possibilities.
Your fragility is your humanity.
And the awareness of your fragility is only yours.

Science and technology are trying to design you, control your genes. 
One thing is to avoid illnesses, quite another thing is to seek an idealized being.

You can be molded, manipulated, use implants, organ stimulation, artificial brain connections.
But you can not be replicated.
You can not be replaced.

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