Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Greece: when the numbers are similar to those of the Great Depression...

Here is a greek mum, talking to a BBC radio program about her decision to vote NO.
She explains it very well. It's about people, their future, their children' future.
She doesn't want to see their children enslaved by the debt, "working to the IMF".
She also says that the numbers are similar to those of the Great Depression

EP promised that "this time it would be different", remember?
But... it is not different, and it's getting worse. Just listen to the several statements of the main European characters of this Great Farse...
I hope that an agreement is still possible. But if EC, ECB, Eurogroup and IMF choose the worst possible script, I hope there is an emergency plan, a plan B, for greek people.

Meanwhile... negotiations will be tough:

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