Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just some reasons to be here

Let's start again, even if my english writing is not that good. Really, who cares? The important issue is the ideas. And what really matters to me is the ideas and feelings and life and be awake. Ok., sometimes I'm dreaming, but most times I'm awake, I think...

Let's share with you what I found this morning, purely by chance, like many good things we find in life, along this mysterious path we call life...
The author is portuguese, like me, but, unlike me, he writes in perfect american english (Snif). Listen carefully to what he says, almost whispering, the reasons to be here, who am I talking to? Who' s listening?

" (...) I started my own blog in December 2003. Now that’s a long time because, as we all know, blog years are like dog years. This blog has gone through many mutations and I’ve certainly made all sorts of mistakes in the process. But a couple of years ago I was making it big for an architecture-related blog, hitting the thousand daily visitors mark. Yep, those were the days because, for several different reasons, nowadays that average has been cut in half. And that’s okay.Let me be honest about it. I’m not saying I’m happier for that fact. What I mean is that I’ve been trying to find that sense of balance, to find the reasons that drive my need to write a personal blog. And to me it has become a mixture of interrogations: who I’m writing to and who I’m trying to connect with. And the latter part of this equation really is a great measure of what makes a successful blog. Who are you reaching through the web? Who is tracking what you write and what feedback are you getting from it?That has become a far more important measure of success than the single number of visitors one gets on a daily basis. And so I have come to realize that I’m trying to reach people who share similar interrogations, on architecture and life in general, and although I’ve been loosing ground on my home base of readers, the world map has been lighting up on my Analytics account. And it feels great.As I face this new stage of my blogging experience, going through the set of rules outlined by Derek certainly makes a lot of sense to me. At the core of it lies the importance of humanizing the writing process. Simply put: be honest, be different. Share what you know. Share what you don’t know. A personal blog doesn’t have to be about yourself but it should be about your own vision, your doubts and your ideas. That’s what makes it universal, no matter where you are.And if you stick to it, and keep learning and growing, people will come from all parts of the world. And in this nebulous landscape of the digital web, you will matter. "

1 comment:

  1. dubidoso mas enfim é uma ideia
    That’s what makes it universal, no matter where you are.And if you stick to it, and keep learning and growing, people will come from all parts of the world. And in this nebulous landscape of the digital web, you will matter
    de facto o inglês seu é mauvais
    continue a postar a esta velocidade
